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In Memory of Bishop E.D. Childress


​​Bishop Childress was born on February 7, 1954 to Hezekiah and Cleoria Childress in Marianna, Ark. Earnie met his wife, Delois, in 1974 and wed in holy matrimony in 1975. From their union birthed seven children and 14 grandchildren.


From an early age he knew the importance of church and family as he was the seventh of eleven children.  At the age of 7 he had a visitation from an angel of the Lord, informing him that he was chosen, in this hour, to preach the gospel.  At the age of 19, he gave his life to Christ under the leadership of Pastor Alberta Jones in Marianna, Ark. By the time he was 21, he moved to Cave City, Ark. under the leadership of Eugene Releford. The beginning of the power of God moving in his life started when he completed a 29 day fast at the age of 29.


He began his first works evangelizing city to city and state to state.  In 1977, God had given him and his wife Delois the vision to further establish the works that was started in the halls of NTHC, and with the ordinance of God. By the 1980’s he was called into the pastoral realm.  He founded and lead as the Pastor of The New Testament Holiness Church of Batesville, Ark.  His works included being a Bishop in five states and overseeing nine churches while supporting international ministries. 


For 40 years, Earnie Dean Childress devoted his life to ministry, family, and friends.  He was a man after God’s own heart with a willingness to serve until his last day on earth.  He was a man of patience, a man who spent countless hours on his knees, a husband, father, and friend to many. He was a selfless man that loved everyone and made an impact on everyone that he came across. Although he is absent from the body, he is present with the Lord. Blessed be the name of the Lord.


His education included a degree at Crowley’s Ridge College, The University of Arkansas Community College at Batesville, and New Testament Academy.


Bishop E.D. Childress passed away at age 61 on Friday, June 5, 2015 at St. Bernards Hospital in Jonesboro, Arkansas.





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